Making Optimal Use of Fertilizer When There’s a Global Shortage

Skyrocketing Prices Fertilizer prices spiked in late 2021, ahead of the planting season. In 2022, prices hit a record high. Unfortunately, increased cost and global supply shortages are going to persist through 2023, according to a study by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations. For farmers and growers, making sure fertilizer […]
Six Game-Changing Reasons to Use Agri-Inject Systems for Golf Courses, from a Dealer’s Perspective

Agri-Inject is known worldwide as a leader in fertigation systems for farmers in every corner of the globe. But they also help golf course superintendents maintain their courses more efficiently with customizable systems that can serve any course in any climate. Kevin Walsh from Fertizona, Arizona’s largest agricultural fertilizer and crop protection retailer, talks about […]
Variable-rate Fertigation Can Be Simple
A rule is a rule is a rule, right? Well, not always. Sometimes, rules are meant to be changed. Most people once thought the earth was flat, but the “truth” changed as new information became available. One of the time-honored rules of corn production is that it takes a pound of nitrogen to produce a […]
Create a “No Mite” zone around your irrigated field
Explosive. That’s one way to describe the speed at which mite infestations in crops can develop under the right conditions. Those conditions are hot, dry weather—a common occurrence on the High Plains. A spider mite female, for example, can produce 300 offspring during her 30-day lifetime, enabling a mite population to grow from a few […]
Partnering to Promote Nutrient Stewardship
For more than a century, The Fertilizer Institute has been the leading voice of the fertilizer industry. The institute is aconsistent source of trusted information and data, and an outlet to publicize industry initiatives on safety andenvironmental stewardship. One of the initiatives that aligns perfectly with our philosophy at Agri-Inject is their 4RNutrient Stewardship program. […]
Variable Rate Fertigation increases value and efficiency of irrigation
Precision agriculture powered by GPS technology—at first a novelty—has now become the norm, driven in part by economic necessity. Putting fertilizer where it is most needed, in the precise amounts required, improves both input utilization and final yields. That variable-rate technology, first applied to dry fertilizer application, is now beginning to revolutionize the irrigation industry. […]
Don’t Wait….Fungigate!
As we enter the heart of the growing season and crops are rapidly maturing, the battle to protect yield from pest and disease threats moves into high gear. Fungal diseases are one of those yield-robbing dangers, and when their presence is detected and conditions are right, timely application of fungicide to protect yields is critical. […]
Agri-Inject Introduces Versatile OMNI Mister Mist’r®
Agri-Inject has introduced what may be the most versatile, and durable, member of the Mister Mist’r lineup of fluid injection check valves. The new Omni Mister Mist’r is designed to deliver consistent product injection in a wide variety of applications including chemigation and fertigation. Manufactured of glass-filled PVDF and featuring a Viton® seal and Hastelloy C […]
Future of farming is here at the IRF
The future of farming is being tested in the present just north of Yuma. And it gives one hope that humankind will be able to meet the challenges of feeding a growing population for a long time to come. “I am so happy to be at this point, where it was a vision six years […]
Chemigation control of sugarcane aphids a viable option (from Southwest Farm Press)
“We are revisiting chemigation for insect pest management,” said Dr. Ed Bynum, AgriLife Extension entomologist in Amarillo. Kay Ledbetter | Feb 26, 2018 Producers might hear a term from the past when they begin looking for solutions to treat the sugarcane aphid in sorghum, according to a Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service specialist. “We are […]