
Case Studies

Ballyneal Golf Club

Jared Kalina - Golf Course Superintendent

Over the span of 2 seasons, Ballyneal Golf Club was able to save hundreds of hours of labor using Agri-Inject systems. The ReflexEVOLUTION™ system allows Jared and his team to uniformly and effectively treat the course.

Firming up the turf at Ballyneal creates a hydrophobic situation for the sandy soil underneath. To break that up, Jared needed a way to apply a wetting agent uniformly across the entire course to get the water to penetrate better. Through the use of their Agri-Inject system, the team at Ballyneal can apply the treatment overnight through the existing irrigation system.

“We’re talking about hundreds of hours in the last two years being saved.“ – Jared Kalina

Cherry Hills Country Club

Eric Hill, Assistant Superintendent

Over the course of a season, Cherry Hills Country Club saves anywhere from 10 to 15 million gallons of water. With a system that was custom-built specifically for the golf course, the team is able to treat the entire golf course overnight — something that took about three days before. 

Their custom system allows them to n-pHuric acid and chlorine to keep black algae, sponge and other organic material out of their irrigation and sprinkler heads. This is a huge savings on labor, since they don’t have to go out and clean 200-300 sprinkler heads by hand.

“We save anywhere from 10 to 15 million gallons of water over the course of a season.” — Eric Hill

Fertizona (Retailer)

Kevin Walsh, Turf Management

Each course ecosystem is different, and being able to apply different products though the same irrigation system is critical to golf course superintendents. Kevin Walsh, from Fertizona — Arizona’s largest fertilizer and crop protection retailer — says that Agri-Inject helps golf courses in Arizona battle a specific problem.